Blue Fire Games Apps

Free Sudoku 1.0
Blue Fire Games
This is a reusable Sudoku puzzle thatgenerates a new Sudoku puzzle with each game play. Simply tap thedesired square to increase the number in the square. You can checkto see how many of the numbers you have gotten correct by clickingthe Check Sudoku button on the left side of the screen. You canalso restart the puzzle by clicking the Restart Game button alsolocated on the left side of the screen. Clicking the Show Allbutton will reveal the solution to the puzzle. Also has the abilityto set the clue weight and the maximum number of clues displayed ina region.
Fruit Slice 1.0
Blue Fire Games
Apples will be thrown from the bottom of thescreen. Slice them in two parts by dragging across them on thescreen with your finger. You get 10 points for each apple sliced.If you let an apple leave the screen without slicing it your liveswill be reduced by 1. If you slice a bomb by mistake the game willend immediately. The game will be over when your lives are reducedto 0 or less. You will be given an opportunity to enter a highscore once the game is over. The game changes every time it isplayed so no two games are the same.
Par 5 Mini-Golf 1.6
Blue Fire Games
This is an 18 hole par 5 mini-golf game. Youwill be allowed to take a look at the entire hole as it rotates inthe view port before you begin playing each hole. To play the gamefirst aim the ball by dragging your finger across the top of thescreen. Then press and hold the round button at the bottom right ofthe screen to set the force at which the ball will be hit. Theforce is displayed in a tall rectangular box on the left side ofthe screen. Remove your finger from the round button to hit theball. The scoring is based on five strokes being par which is equalto 0. Hit the ball in the hole with fewer strokes then five andyour score will drop by one point for each stroke below fiverequired (with the score going into the negative) while requiringmore then five strokes will add one point to your score for eachstroke beyond five. Lower scores are better then higher scores.Your total score is equal to your combined individual scores foreach hole. Cheating is not allowed by allowing players to replay asingle hole. If you want a new high score your must play alleighteen holes from start again.Version 1.1: Bug fixes.Version 1.2: Modified game to make minor changes to ball aimeasier. Correct the high score display. Make minor changes tocourse making greens line up better.Version 1.3: Bug fixes.Version 1.4: Bug fixes.Version 1.5: Added crash reporter to gather information aboutcrashes.Version 1.6: Fixed bug that causes app to exit on start afterplaying all the way through the app the first time.
Marble Match 1.0
Blue Fire Games
Click as many groups of marbles in 180 secondsas possible. You get 30 points for clicking a group of 3 marbles,50 points for a group of 4 marbles, 100 points for a group of 5,150 points for a group of 6, 200 points for a group of 7, 250points for a group of 8 and 300 points for groups larger then 8. Ifyou click on a single ball you will be penalized 10 points. Ifthree balls fall of the edge the game will end immediatelyregardless of how much time is left on the clock. Compete withpeople all over the world by entering your high score. The marblesare dropped in a different pattern every time you play it so no twogames are the same.
Nuclei Mobile 1.6.0
Blue Fire Games
Use the arrow symbols to rotate the imageinthe middle of the screen to block blue incoming ballswhileallowing green incoming balls to enter the center of thescreen.You get five points for each green ball allowed into thecenter andyou get five points for each blue ball which leaves thescreen. Youloose five points for each blue ball which enters in thecenter ofthe image and you loose five points for each green ballwhichleaves the screen. There are two life markers at the topleftcorner of the screen. The green life marker is reduced by onepointfor each green ball which leaves the screen while the bluelifemarker is reduced by one point for each blue ball allowed intotheimage at the center of the screen. When both the green andbluelife meters are reduced to zero the game ends at which pointyouget a chance to enter your high score.Version 1.1Added game music.Version 1.2Modified game engine for faster play.Version 1.3Modified high score display.Version 1.4More modification to game engine.Version 1.5Fixed balls so they do not hand onto central blocking mechanismwhenspeared.Version 1.6Added sounds and face book.
Treasure Hunter 1.3.10
Blue Fire Games
The object of the game is to collect asmuchtreasure as possible before the game ends. Each round youwilleither have an encounter with a monster, find an item or pieceofgarbage, encounter a trap or find some treasure. You get a totaloffive rest breaks for your character to heal and the game willendwhen your character is dead at which point your totaltreasurecollected will determine your high score. When starting thegameyou will automatically have your first encounter. After thefirstencounter you will be given an option to either keep exploringtheruins or return to your camp to rest. If you return to your camptorest your health points will be returned to full (20 points).Ifyou choose to continue exploring you will have one of fourrandomencounters. First you could encounter a monster which willresultin combat. The outcome of the combat is randomly and yourcharactercan be killed in the encounter which will take you to thehighscore entry. If your character kills the monster either yourattackor defense skill will be increased by one point. Secondly youcouldfind a treasure which will increase your score. Third youcouldencounter a trap which will reduce your character’s healthandcould kill your character ending the game. Fourth you could findanitem which might increase your character’s armor or weaponrating.Sometimes you will find trash instead of useful items. Thereare atotal of ten different types of monsters, five different typesoftraps and thirteen different items to discover.Version 1.1 - Modified the logo, changed click interaction,fixedintro text.Version 1.2 - Updated app so it displays better onsmallerscreens.Version 1.3 - Bug fixes.
Ball Fall 1.0
Blue Fire Games
Descend through the maze as far aspossible.Tilt the mobile device to the right or left to move theball. Ifyou get a bonus box the ball’s speed will increase for 5seconds.You get 10 points for each floor your successfully pass. Iftheball reaches the top of the screen the game will end. You willbegiven an opportunity to enter your high score to competeagainstplayers all over the world. The maze changes with each gameplay sono two games are the same.
OverRun 1.0
Blue Fire Games
You goal in this arcade survival game istofight off a continual assault of enemies for as long aspossible.You start with 100 points of health and an unlimitedamount ofammunition. Letting an opponent be in contact with youwill resultin you steadily loosing health. Enemies require severalhits tokill them but you will get 25 points for each enemy killed.Thereis no time limit but when your health reaches 0 the game isover.Use the left virtual joystick for movement and the rightvirtualjoystick to fire. You will be given a chance to competewithplayers from every nation in the world by entering your highscoreat the end of the game. The game will be different each timeit isplayed.
Kids Toys Jigsaw Puzzles 1.0
Blue Fire Games
This set of sixteen jigsaw puzzles aredesignedespecially for children. First the total number of piecesin thepuzzle is selected (there are fourteen selections to choosefrom)and then the picture is selected. Each jigsaw features adifferenttoy of some kind. The available selections for the numberof puzzlepieces are: 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 18, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40,44 and 48.When the puzzle is completed the number of moves as wellas the timerequired to complete the puzzle will bedisplayed.
Kids Animal Jigsaw Puzzles 1.0
Blue Fire Games
This set of sixteen jigsaw puzzles aredesignedespecially for children. First the total number of piecesin thepuzzle is selected (there are fourteen selections to choosefrom)and then the picture is selected. Each jigsaw features adifferentanimal of some kind. The available selections for thenumber ofpuzzle pieces are: 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 18, 20, 24, 28, 32,36, 40, 44and 48. When the puzzle is completed the number of movesas well asthe time required to complete the puzzle will bedisplayed.
MV1-Ratlings 1.0
Blue Fire Games
This is a short Adventure / Role PlayingGamewhere the objective is to simply destroy a lair of Ratlingswhichhas been plaguing the area. While this first game in theseriesfocuses on melee combat it also includes some extra elementsaddedto the game including healing potions, treasure, basicfixturessuch as furniture and a small information system to allowtheplayer to learn some details about the dungeon they areexploring.Use the virtual joystick for movement. Collide with itemsto pickthem up. The item you are currently equipped with isdisplayed atthe bottom of the screen. To equip different items thatyou have inyour possession press the “CHANGE ITEM” button. To usethe item youcurrently have equipped press the “USE ITEM” button. Toattack amonster make sure you have a weapon equipped (by pressingthe“CHANGE ITEM” button if needed), face the monster then pressthe“USE ITEM” button while standing close enough to the monster tohitit with the weapon. To drink a potion make sure a potionisequipped (by pressing the “CHANGE ITEM” button if needed)thenpress the “USE ITEM” button. The life bar above thecharacterindicates how much health the character has.
Word Find 1.3
Blue Fire Games
Compete with your friends to see who canfindall the hidden words in the grid. The words you will besearchingfor change with each new game so not two games are thesame. Thewords you are trying to find are listed on the left sideof thepuzzle. Slide the mouse while holding down the left mousebutton toselect letters or use your finger to select letters on atouchscreen. Words must be in a straight line. Release the leftmousebutton or remove your finger from the screen to see if youarecorrect. Words can be horizontal, vertical, diagonal, run fromleftto right or from right to left. Press the reset button (locatedatthe bottom center of the screen) to reset the timer to zero andtrywith a new puzzle. Your score will be equal to the total numberofseconds it takes you to find all the words. Lower scores arebetterthen higher scores and you will be competing with players alloverthe world for high scores.
Kids Animal Memory Match 1.0
Blue Fire Games
Improve your child’s memory with this easytouse matching game. This game has been designed for childrenagesfour plus with an easy user interface and no personalinformationbeing collected from the user. Animals is the theme ofthis memorygame with every revealed card containing some animal. Aclock keepstrack of how much time has passed and the game alsodisplays tototal number of moves the player has made. A widevariety of gridsare available totaling 18 in all with the userbeing able to easilynavigate back to the main menu to change gridsize. Grid sizesrange from a very easy two by two grid to a hardeight by fourgrid. Each game can be replayed after it hassuccessfully beencompleted with each replay being different fromthe previous gameproviding great replay value.
Kid's Fishing Hole 1.0.0
Blue Fire Games
This game is designed to improvematchingskills and increase hand eye coordination. The objective ofthissimple children’s game is to match the fish seen at the top ofthescreen with the same fish swimming across the bottom of thescreenyou score 100 points. If you place a piece of food (locatedin thetop left corner) before a fish so it eats the food you willscore250 points when matching a fish instead of 100. When a matchisfound simply touch the fish swimming across the bottom ofthescreen to confirm the match. Clicking on sea shells fallingdownthe screen will also result in 100 points. There arefivedifficulty levels which control how fast the fish swim acrossthebottom of the screen. The buttons which control them are locatedonthe bottom of the screen. To change the difficulty levelsimplyclick the desired button. There is no penalty for making awrongchoice. There are also no advertisements or in-apppurchases.
Alien Shoot 1.0.7
Blue Fire Games
The object of the game is to get to the endofeach level while destroying as many aliens and collecting asmuchtreasure as possible. There are three types of aliens - onethatsits still, one that chaises you and one that shoots at you. Ifyoutouch any of them, or get shot, the level will end. There arethreetypes of ammo for you to use and spikes for you to avoid. Thefirstis a normal bullet that can ricochet around the room, thesecond isa grenade that explodes on impact and the third is amulti-bulletthat splits into two normal bullets when hitting asolid obstacle.You must complete each level before you are allowedto try the nextlevel. Touch the screen to set the cross hair, andeither pressfire to fire the next bullet, indicated on the slidingammo rack,at the cross hair or press the move button to move towardthe crosshair. When pressing and holding down the move button youwill see aforce rod extend above the move button. Releasing themove buttonwhen the force rod is higher will move you at a greaterspeed. Youcan replay levels multiple times if you like. Any unusedammo willincrease your score for that particular level. You canalso postyour high scores for each level on FaceBook for yourfriends tosee. Also, do not forget to collect the coins on your waythroughto increase your score. The beginning game has a total of 18levelsbut more levels, weapons, aliens, etc… will be added infutureversions of the game.
Pumpkin Patch 1.0.1
Blue Fire Games
You have this nice pumpkin garden. Troubleisyou have a bunch of Zombies and Ghosts trying to harvestthepumpkins instead of the customers. Use the yellow fence abovethegarden to block the zombies and ghosts from getting thepumpkinswhile allowing the customers into the garden to get thepumpkins.Use your finger (or mouse) to touch and drag the yellowfencelocated just above the garden. You get 100 points for eachcustomerthat gets a pumpkin and loose 100 points for each zombie orghostthat gets a pumpkin. You also get 100 points for each zombieorghost that leaves the bottom of the screen. If you block azombieor ghost while they are headed for the top of the screenaftergetting a pumpkin they will return to the pumpkin patch togetanother pumpkin and you will loose another 100 points. Afteratotal of 100 pumpkins have been harvested from your garden(eitherby zombies, ghosts, or customers) the game will end and goto thehigh score scene.